A dive deep into how Holmes’ art bridges walls around the world.
TEDx talks:
The Erotic Crisis
The body v.s. the machine, as a universal value conflict.

Generosity; the enduring human trait we all share.

International Projects

• Holmes exhibition at the Hermitage Museum
• European documentary by Austrian filmmaker Karin Wally: The Moving Art of Tim Holmes
• First American artist at the Hermitage Museum: Sculptor Exhibits in World Class Hermitage Museum
• Generosity in Prague: Art leaks into the streets, an art project with kids.

Archbishop Tutu & South Africa
• Archbishop Tutu Presented Holmes Sculpture for Olympic Bid
• South African healing project: South African Peace Center Dedication
• Holmes sculpture for Olympic bid Cape Town Argus
International Peace Prizes

• United Nations commissions Holmes for Peace Prize for Women
• International womens’ prize: “Freedom to Create” prize for women

• Chinese Democracy:

• Physicians for Social Responsibility

• American/Russian peace initiative
Major projects
I’ve watched in fascination as my inspiration has migrated from traditional materials to working with the field of the psyche as if in the theater. Many of my recent ideas and inspirations have to do with relationships and how we inhabit the earth and our unique slot in the story of evolution.

Body Psalms film project
• View some of the short films on YouTube or Vimeo.
• The film project unfolds: “Body Psalms” Seeks to Bridge Sacred, Sensual.
• Sculptural poetry performance art piece onstage: Body Psalms: The Future Body

Art as medicine
• Interview with Charter for Compassion: Wisdom and Justice Through Art
• Healing the World Through Art, screening of a European documentary.

Tim Holmes on the BODY:
• Holmes on “Sensuous Mysticism”: Art and the Body
• A course in body values: Art, music, poetry and film re-sanctify the body
• Commentary on the body in an unhealthy society: Behind the Veil

BlueBills, money for a clean world
• Real money can change our perceptions of value.
• Inception of the BlueBills idea: Money for a Clean World
• How can art create a clean economy? How Will We Live Tomorrow?
Making hate books into Art!
Poisonous Books and hate mail:
• Holmes inspires hate mail by creating art out of hate books
• Holmes responds in the press: Art as a Weapon?
• The controversy stirs a larger exhibition: Making art from hateful literature

•The “end” of white supremacy (2004): Holmes v.s. “Church of the Creator”
• Holmes turns white supremacist threats into community dialogue
• Holmes exhibits hate books art to public: Looking at Intolerance
• The project launched Speaking Volumes, a national touring exhibition